2020-06-16: Moved to lithium.port0.org

Due to an unforeseen issue with the domain io7.org which is not controlled by FreeDNS any more, the site was migrated to a subdomain of port0.org, another domain managed by FreeDNS.

Source control repositories

Please update the host portion of the repository URLs manually. Other parameters of our subversion repositories including authentication details and public keys are unaffected.

Terminal access over SSH

Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) is enabled on the server. The ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:lEoXezs3XDIEwRSYyw6/sCtuWDHSV+10tmn58xx/Vek.

2015-05-05: Let's Encrypt

We move away from self signed certificates in favor of Let's Encrypt signed certificated expiring after 90 days. This implies that a new keypair is generated every 90 days.